Porn Traumatic Stress Disorder

Reflection on Digital Media Literacy Class: Exploring the Complexities of Pornograph

In our recent Digital Media Literacy class, we actually delved into the topic of pornography, its history, impact, and the interplay between our biology and media.

Subjectivity of Pornography

First, Dr. P taught how the term “pornography” itself is inherently SUBJECTIVE.

It encompasses any form of nudity designed to stimulate erotic feelings within a given community. It’s a concept that can be perplexing because what one person finds erotic, another may not. This subjectivity challenges us to question the role of cultural norms and personal perspectives in defining and regulating pornography.

The Brain and Opiate

Then, we explored the biological aspects of pornography’s impact on the brain.

The brain’s natural opioids play a role in the appeal of pornography, leading to the release of feel-good chemicals when engaging with explicit content. The discussion regarding the relationship between the brain and these natural drugs was a fascinating insight into the power of our own neurobiology.

Dopamine and Reward

We also discussed the role of dopamine in the context of pornography. Dopamine, associated with reward and pleasure, plays a crucial role in the anticipation and experience of sexual arousal while consuming pornography. This neurotransmitter’s involvement in associative learning reinforces behaviors and desires, shedding light on the addictive potential of explicit content.

The Intersection of Science and Culture

Our class also touched on the disturbing intersection of science, scientific racism, cultural bias, and social Darwinism with examples of doctors using pseudoscience to perpetuate harmful stereotypes, such as the analysis of young girls’ hymen to support racist claims. These examples served as a stark reminder of how damaging and deeply ingrained biases can be within society and how they have been historically intertwined with explicit content.

Unmuted: A Quick Dive into the Culture of Pornography throughout humanity 

Most notably, we traced the historical roots of the term. We learning that it is derived from “porni” (prostitute) and “graphien” (to write or depict). The history of pornography is extensive, from ancient creations of eroticism in art to the troubling racial postcards of the 1800s. Below, my partner Kessonga Allen and I discussed how the historical context underscores the vast array of cultural attitudes and societal norms surrounding sexuality and explicit content.


In conclusion, our class discussion on pornography in the context of digital media literacy was a significant journey through history, biology, and culture. It emphasized the importance of critical thinking when engaging with explicit content, as well as the need to examine the ethical, moral, and societal implications of this complex subject.

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